A stunning white Luxury Rose Bouquet containing 100% cotton unisex baby clothes interspersed with velvet leaves, silk foliage, delicate silk roses, poinsettias and berries which can be kept by the new parents as a lasting keepsake.
The bouquet comes with a cuddly companion, our irresistibly soft grey Berkeley bear wearing a beautifully knitted white jumper embroidered with the name of your choice in grey (max 10 characters). If you do not require personalisation please enter NONE in the personalisation field.
Berkeley Bear is a traditional style seated teddy bear with a coordinated ribbon bow around his neck. His luxuriously soft textured coat makes this bear an irresistible cuddly companion. He is 20cm high and suitable from birth.
Bouquet Contains:
1 x white hat
1 x white long sleeved sleepsuit
1 x white bodysuit
2 x white baby bibs
1 x white winding cloth
4 x white pairs of socks
1 x white pair of mittens
(All garments are size 0-6 months)
This gift set comes beautifully packaged in one of Babyblooms’ exclusive illustrated gift boxes with a gift card bearing your message.
Gift box design may vary according to availability.